An application seems like an easy enough task to complete, but as a potential transfer student, you need to be aware of a number of things, as well as making sure that you can answer some questions.
What is the typical wait time before learning an admission decision?
Many schools have general requirements for transfer students, allowing you to know before you have even applied whether or not you are an acceptable transfer student. More selective institutions will likely have more stringent requirements, and an admission decision may not be so cut-and-dry.
When an institution is more selective, they will probably not state specific minimums for entry. This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to be a four-point student to gain entry. What it does mean is that you will want to make sure that you put your best foot forward in setting yourself apart.
The amount of time to learn about your decision can vary greatly. If the school has the set minimums, you are likely to know within a few days of completing your application, maybe sooner, depending on the school's method(s) of communication. The more selective an institution, the more likely you will wait for a couple of weeks.
At my institution, for example, the Registrar's Office completes the credit evaluation on the submitted official transcripts. This evaluation typically takes between 1-2 weeks depending on volume and other jobs the Office has on it's to do list. It is not until after the evaluation that the Admission Committee looks at the student's file and makes the admission decision. Although sometimes this occurs very quickly, the rate of decision could be an additional 1-2 weeks.
What are the required components of the application?
Institutions are going to require different things, but requirements are likely to be similar to freshman applicant requirements. Things you may need to provide:
transcripts from your current institution;
transcripts from any other collegiate credit granting institution;
high school transcripts;
high school standardized test scores (ACT or SAT);
an essay;
letters of recommendation;
activities list/resume.
How will my credit transfer to your institution?
What and when an institution provides to a potential student can vary greatly. Some institutions will provide you with a list directly comparing the credit you have taken with the credit the institution will grant you. The timing of this information can also vary as some institutions will not actually grant transfer credit until after you are attending the institution. Others will grant the credit along with or shortly after being admitted. If you disagree with your potential institution's credit evaluation, check to see if there is a process to have the course(s) reviewed by the appropriate faculty or department.
Most times, transferable credit is determined by the institution's Registrar's Office, or possibly the Admission Office. Although they will make the initial decision, their job is to make sure that both you and the curriculum are protected. If the courses you have taken at another institution are not directly correlated, they will most likely not grant credit. If you ask, the department that would be in charge of teaching the course may be able to review materials from the course from you current or previous institution and determine if it is transferable.
Does your potential institution grant a GPA or only credit?
Again, it varies by institution. About 50 percent of institutions I have found will grant credit only, and about 50 percent will grant both credit and allow you to keep the GPA you earned at your current or previous institution(s).
What does a typical transfer student have for a GPA and transferable credit hours?
This will vary greatly by institution Many comprehensive, state universities will have a greater range of acceptable students, and typically a lower average GPA for students. More selective institutions will often have a higher amount of transferred credit and GPA.
There are many other questions that could be posed to an admission counselor, but these will give you a good idea of what to expect from the institution you are looking at, and what they will expect from you. Remember that although there is much to know about the application process, almost every institution has a dedicated admission counselor to provide answers for you. Although taking matters into your own hands and learning the requirements is often most beneficial, do not be afraid to utilize the people and resources that your landing institution is willing to provide to you.
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